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IEEE C62.64-2009

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Revision Standard – Active.Surge protectors for application on multiconductor and coaxial, balanced orunbalanced, data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages less than or equal to1000 V rms or 1200 V dc are covered. These surge protectors are multiple-component series orparallel combinations of one or more nonlinear elements and zero or more linear elements. Thetables of typical performance values provide a means of comparison among various surgeprotectors. They also provide a common engineering language beneficial to the user andmanufacturer of surge protectors used in low-voltage data, communications, and signalingcircuits.

Product Details

9780738160917, 9780738170350, 9780738160900
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1 MB
Redline File Size:
4 files , 8.1 MB
Product Code(s):
STDRL95983, STD95983, STDPD95983

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