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AASHTO T 195-11 (2015)

Standard Method of Test for Determining Degree of Particle Coating of Bituminous-Aggregate Mixtures (ASTM Designation: D 2489/D 2489M-08)
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2011

AASHTO T 312-14

Standard Method of Test for Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Specimens by Means of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2014

AASHTO T 308-18

Standard Method of Test for Determining the Asphalt Binder Content of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) by the Ignition Method
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2018

AASHTO R 29-15 (2019)

Standard Practice for Grading or Verifying the Performance Grade of an Asphalt Binder
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2015

AASHTO T 276-97 (2005)

Standard Method of Test for Developing Early-Age Compression Test Values and Projecting Later-Age Strengths
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials,


Standard Practice for Quantifying Cracks in Asphalt Pavement Surfaces from Collected Images Utilizing Automated Methods
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2010

AASHTO T 319-08

Standard Method of Test for Quantitative Extraction and Recovery of Asphalt Binder from Asphalt Mixtures
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 08/01/2008