ANS 54.1-2020
Nuclear Safety Criteria and Design Process for Sodium Fast Reactor Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/23/2020
Nuclear Safety Criteria and Design Process for Sodium Fast Reactor Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/23/2020
Probabilistic Evaluation of External Flood Hazards for Nuclear Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/17/2019
Reload Startup Physics Tests for Pressurized Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/19/2019
Operation of Fast Pulse Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/23/2004
Surveys of Terrestrial Ecology Needed to License Thermal Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1982
Volume Reduction of Low-Level Radioactive Waste or Mixed Waste
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1991
Evaluation of Ground Water Supply for Nuclear Power Sites
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1980
Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 07/01/2016
The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/20/2007
Methods for Determining Neutron Fluence in BWR and PWR Pressure Vessel and Reactor Internals
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/24/2009