ANS 3.5-1981
Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator Training
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/18/1981
Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator Training
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/18/1981
The Determination of Thermal Energy Deposition Rates in Nuclear Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 07/12/2022
Criteria for Assessing Atmospheric Effects on the Ultimate Heat Sink
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/27/2022
Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 09/05/1978
Nuclear Criticality Safety Guide for Pipe Intersections Containing Aqueous Solutions of Enriched Uranyl Nitrate
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/15/1978
A Code of Good Practices for the Performance of Critical Experiments
standard by American Nuclear Society, 08/18/1967
Guidelines for Considering User Needs in Computer Program Development
standard by American Nuclear Society, 08/29/1979
Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator Training
standard by American Nuclear Society, 10/25/1985