ANSI/ANSLG C78.40-2011
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Specifications for Mercury Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 10/21/2011
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Specifications for Mercury Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 10/21/2011
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Self-ballasted Mercury Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group,
High Intensity Discharge Lamps – Method of Designation
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 2002
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group,
American National Standard for Electric Lamps – Incandescent Lamps – Safety Specifications, Part 1: Tungsten Filament Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 04/17/2018
For incandescent lamps: Tungsten Halogen Lamps (non-vehicle)
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 02/15/2011
American National Standard for Mercury Lamps – Specifications
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group,
American National Standard for Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting (SSL) Products
standard by American National Standards Institute / American National Standard Lighting Group, 10/06/2011