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ANSI C12.19-2012

American National Standard for Utility Industry End Device Data Tables
standard by American National Standards Institute, 10/02/2014

ANSI C80.5-2005

American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Aluminum Conduit (ERAC)
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2005

ANSI C119.1-2011

American National Standard for Electric Connectors-Sealed Insulated Underground Connector Systems Rated 600 Volts
standard by American National Standards Institute, 03/14/2011

ANSI C136.21-2014

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment – Vertical Tenons Used with Post-Top-Mounted Luminaires
standard by American National Standards Institute, 11/24/2014

ANSI C119.5-2018

American National Standard for Electric Connectors-Insulation Piercing Connector Systems, Rated 600 Volts or Less (Low-Voltage Aerial Bundled Cables and Insulated and Non-Insulated Line Wires)
standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/21/2018

ANSI C136.34-2004 (R2009)

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Vandal Shields for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires
standard by American National Standards Institute, 10/06/2004

ANSI C136.10-2010

American National Standard for Roadway Lighting Equipment-Locking-Type Photocontrol Devices and Mating Receptacle-Physical and Electrical Interchangeability and Testing
standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/02/2010