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ANSI O5.4.2009

Naturally Durable Hardwood Poles – Specifications and Dimensions
standard by American National Standards Institute, 07/01/2009

ANSI C12.20-2015

American National Standard for Electricity Meters – 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 Accuracy Classes
standard by American National Standards Institute, 04/01/2017

ANSI C78.1430-1997

American National Standard for Electric Lamps-Tungsten Halogen Lamps with G6.35, GX6.35 and GV6.35 Bases
standard by American National Standards Institute, 1997

ANSI C12.11-2007

American National Standard for Instrument Transformers for Revenue Metering, 10 kV BIL Through 350 kV BIL (0.6 kV NSV through 69 kV NSV)
standard by American National Standards Institute, 02/06/2008

ANSI C82.77-10-2014

American National Standard for Lighting Equipment–Harmonic Emission Limits–Related Power Quality Requirements
standard by American National Standards Institute, 12/29/2014

ANSI C136.26-2003 (R2009)

American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment-Troubleshooting Guide for High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Luminaires
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2003