ANSI H35.1/H35.1M-2017
American National Standard Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum, 2017
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2017
American National Standard Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum, 2017
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2017
Snow Throwers – Safety Specifications
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/2005
American National Standard for Test Switches and Plugs for Transformer-Rated Meters
standard by American National Standards Institute, 09/17/2014
Nomenclature System for Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Materials
standard by American National Standards Institute, 2013
American National Standard for Portable Rechargeable Cells and Batteries – General and Specifications
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/2007
American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment – Voltage Ratings (60 Hz)
standard by American National Standards Institute, 10/28/2016
American National Standard for Commercial Laundry and Drycleaning Equipment and Operations – Safety Requirements
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/2006
American National Standard for 1.65 in. (42 mm) Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Projection Lamps with GX5.3 or GY5.3 Bases – Dimensions and Centering Systems
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1997
Rolling Element Bearings – Aircraft Engine, Engine Gearbox, and Accessory Applications – Eddy Current Inspection
standard by American National Standards Institute, 01/01/1999
Safety Glazing Materials Used in Buildings – Safety Performance Specifications and Methods of Test
standard by American National Standards Institute, 08/01/2003