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AS ISO 14520.10-2009

Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems – Physical properties and system design – HFC 23 extinguishant
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2009

AS ISO 19150.2:2018

Geographic information – Ontology, Part 2: Rules for developing ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
standard by Standards Australia, 06/29/2018

AS ISO 12647.8-2012

Graphic technology – Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints – Validation print processes working directly from digital data
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2012

AS O56-1948

Schedule of dimensions of structural timbers for use in domestic building construction
standard by Standards Australia, 06/25/1948

AS ISO 18436.4:2014

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel
standard by Standards Australia, 12/18/2014