Steel Penstocks (MOP 79)
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 08/01/2012
Navigation Engineering Practice and Ethical Standards (MOP 116)
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 10/09/2009
Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings, SEI/ASCE 11-99
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/2000
Design of Interlocking Concrete Pavement for Municipal Streets and Roadways
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 09/01/2010
Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 03/01/2007
Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/1997
Standard Guidelines for the Design, Installation, and Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Impoundments
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 04/20/2017
Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Installed Fine-Pore Aeration Equipment
standard by American Society of Civil Engineers, 01/01/2002
Manhole Inspection and Rehabilitation (MOP 92)
Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Society of Civil Engineers, 08/12/2009