Factory-Made, Wrought Steel, Buttwelding Induction Bends for Transportation and Distribution Systems
standard by ASME International, 02/11/2013
Investigation of Temperature Derating Factors for High-Strength Line Pipe
standard by ASME International, 09/28/2012
Screw Thread Gaging Systems for Acceptability: Inch and Metric Screw Threads (UN, UNR, UNJ, M, and MJ)
standard by ASME International, 10/12/2007
Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings Classes 125 and 250
standard by ASME International, 10/12/2018
Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators
standard by ASME International, 05/23/2018
Integrity Management of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Gas Pipeline High Consequence Areas
standard by ASME International, 10/31/2008