ASME MFC-14M-2003 (R2018)
Measurement of Fluid Flow Using Small Bore Precision Orifice Meters
standard by ASME International, 2003
Measurement of Fluid Flow Using Small Bore Precision Orifice Meters
standard by ASME International, 2003
Specification for Sealless Horizontal End Suction Metallic Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
standard by ASME International, 12/15/2015
Test Uncertainty – Instruments and Apparatus
standard by ASME International, 12/31/1998
Factory-Made, Wrought Steel, Buttwelding Induction Bends for Transportation and Distribution Systems
standard by ASME International, 12/29/2017
Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Internally Threaded Products
standard by ASME International, 12/01/1998