ASME B16.51-2013
Copper and Copper Alloy Press-Connect Pressure Fittings
standard by ASME International, 12/06/2013
Copper and Copper Alloy Press-Connect Pressure Fittings
standard by ASME International, 12/06/2013
Tower Cranes: Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
standard by ASME International, 03/14/2016
Fuel Cell Power Systems Performance
standard by ASME International, 11/01/2002
Guide for Elevator Seismic Design (Technical Report)
standard by ASME International, 03/31/2014
Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder)
standard by ASME International, 01/01/2004
Steel Brushed Rollerless Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth
standard by ASME International, 09/01/1997
Gas Transmission Distribution and Piping Systems, Includes Addenda A (2000)
standard by ASME International, 06/05/2000