ASME B5.60-2002
Workholding Chucks: Jaw Type Chucks, Includes Addenda A and B (2009)
standard by ASME International, 09/16/2002
Workholding Chucks: Jaw Type Chucks, Includes Addenda A and B (2009)
standard by ASME International, 09/16/2002
Extend Stress-Strain Curve Parameters and Cyclic Stress-Strain Curves to All Materials Listed for Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 Construction
standard by ASME International, 04/05/2013
Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits Using Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters
standard by ASME International, 06/17/2011
2017 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 3: Alternative Rules for Construction of High Pressure Vessels
standard by ASME International, 07/01/2017
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries, ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
standard by ASME International, 03/31/2016
An Illustration of the Concepts of Verification and Validation in COmputational Solid Mechanics
standard by ASME International, 04/16/2012
Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Heavy Rail Transit Vehicles
standard by ASME International, 03/12/2014