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AWPA E1-17

Laboratroy Methods for Evaluating the Termite Resistance of Wood-based Materials: Choice and No-choice Tests
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2017

AWPA A82-18

Standard Method for Determination of Pentachlorophenol Solvency
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2018

AWPA M4-11

Standard for the Care of Preservative-Treated Wood Products
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2012

AWPA M20-00

Guidelines for Minimizing Oil-Type Wood Preservative Migration
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 07/01/2000

AWPA M4-06

Standard for the Care of Preservative-Treated Wood Products
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2006

AWPA M13-06

A Guideline for the Physical Inspection of Poles in Service
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2006