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AWPA P24-09

Standard for Alkyl Ammonium Compound, Waterborne (AAC)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA M3-11

Standard Quality Control Procedures for Wood Preserving Plants
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2011


Determination of Oxine-Copper in Treating Solutions and Treated Wood by Potentiometric Bromination Titration
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 07/01/2000

AWPA C35-97

Western Red Cedar, Alaska Yellow Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Western Larch Poles – Preservative Treatment by Thermal Processes
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1997

AWPA A1-06

Standard Methods for Analysis of Creosote and Oil-Type Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2006

AWPA A69-18

Standard Method to Determine the Penetration of Copper Containing Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2018