BS PD CISPR/TR 18-3:2010
Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment. Code of practice for minimizing the generation of radio noise
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2010
Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment. Code of practice for minimizing the generation of radio noise
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2010
Railway applications. Functional Interface Specification. Door System
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2014
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Basics. System of the EN 81 series of standards
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2006
Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems. Guidance for the application of IEC 63147:2017/IEEE Std 497$UT$UM-2016 in the IAEA / IEC framework
standard by BSI Group, 02/14/2018
Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of the fracture toughness temperature by a three point bending test on a notched specimen
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/2014
Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Surface shear strength test
standard by BSI Group, 08/15/2017
Biotechnology. Microorganisms. Report on the criteria used to classify Group 1 genetically modified microorganisms
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/1999
Measurement methods. High dynamic range video
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/2016
Environmental conditions. Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment. Equipment during storage and handling
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/2015
Road and airfield surface characteristics. Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCI): The IMAG
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2014