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Safe Use and Handling of Small Cylinders
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2013

CGA C-16

CGA Registration Program for Cylinder Owner Symbols
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2014

CGA C-29

Standard for Design Requirements for Tube Trailers and Tube Modules (Formerly TB-25)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/18/2019


The Inert Gases: Argon, Nitrogen, and Helium
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/01/2015


Correct Assemblies and Installation of Rupture Disk and Fusible Plug Type Pressure Relief Devices (Formerly TB-13), First Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 06/01/2018

CGA P-58

Safe Preparation of Compressed Oxidant-Fuel Gas Mixtures in Cylinders
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 07/01/2015

CGA P-2.7

Guideline for the Safe Storage, Handling and Use of Small Portable Liquid Oxygen Systems in Health Care Facilities, Fifth Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2018


Position Statement on Internal Inspection of Stationary Vacuum-Jacketed Storage Tanks for Cryogenic and Refrigerated Liquids, First Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2018

CGA E-12

Standard for Safety Devices Used in Gas Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/11/2019

CGA G-6.5

Standard for Small Stationary Insulated Carbon Dioxide Supply Systems, Fourth Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2013