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CIE S 025-SP1/E:2019

Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Supplement 1: Test Method for OLED Luminaires and OLED Light Sources
Amendment by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, 11/01/2019

CIE 077-1988

Electric light sources: State of the art – 1987
standard by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, 01/01/1988

CIE 162:2010

Chromatic Adaptation under Mixed Illumination Condition when Comparing Softcopy and Hardcopy Images (Including Erratum 1)
standard by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, 02/01/2010

CIE 201:2011

Recommendations on Minimum Levels of Solar UV Exposure
standard by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, 11/04/2011