Fluorescence Calibration and Quantitative Measurement of Fluorescence Intensity; Approved Guideline, ILA24-A
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/20/2004
Fluorescence Calibration and Quantitative Measurement of Fluorescence Intensity; Approved Guideline, ILA24-A
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/20/2004
Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow Aerobically, Eleventh Edition, M07Ed11E; Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, Twenty-Ninth Edition, M100Ed29E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 12/27/2018
Methods for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Isolated From Aquatic Animals; Approved Guideline , VET03AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 06/01/2006
Metrological Traceability and Its Implementation; A Report, EP32RE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 02/17/2006
Zone Diameter Interpretive Standards and Corresponding Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Interpretive Breakpoints; Informational Supplement, M44S3
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/01/2009
Methods for the Identification of Cultured Microorganisms Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, 1st Edition
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/01/2017
Body Fluid Analysis for Cellular Composition; Approved Guideline, H56AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 07/10/2006
Evaluation of Commutability of Processed Samples; Approved Guideline, Third Edition, EP14A3E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/15/2014
Standard Specification for Use of Bar Codes on Specimen Tubes in the Clinical Laboratory, LIS7AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/20/2003
Purchasing and Inventory Management, 1st Edition, QMS21Ed1E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 11/01/2016