Consists of C22.1-12, Canadian electrical code, part I (22nd edition), safety standard for electrical installations; CE code pocket reference book (**Only Included with Purchase of Print Edition**) and the C22.1HB-12, CE code handbook, an explanation of rules of the canadian electrical code, part I
standard by CSA Group, 2011
CE code handbook, an explanation of rules of the canadian electrical code, part 1
Handbook / Manual / Guide by CSA Group, 2015
Addenda 2 to ANSI Z21.50-2003/CSA 2.22-2003, Vented Gas Fireplaces
Amendment by CSA Group, 10/19/2005
Portable Electrical Motor-Operated and Heating Appliances: General Requirements
standard by CSA Group, 10/26/2000
Addenda 2 to ANSI Z21.13-2004/CSA 4.9-2004, Gas-Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers
Amendment by CSA Group, 11/01/2007
Non-Incendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I, Division 2 Hazardous Locations
standard by CSA Group, 12/18/1999
Fuel system components for compressed hydrogen gas powered vehicles
standard by CSA Group, 02/01/2015