CSA ANSI Z21.1A-2007
Addenda 1 to ANSI Z21.1-2005, Household Cooking Gas Appliances
Amendment by CSA Group, 08/01/2007
Addenda 1 to ANSI Z21.1-2005, Household Cooking Gas Appliances
Amendment by CSA Group, 08/01/2007
First addenda to American National Standard/CSA standard for gas-fired low pressure steam and hot water boilers
Amendment by CSA Group, 02/01/2010
Asphalt shingle application on roof slopes 1:6 and steeper
standard by CSA Group, 01/01/2014
Nonmetallic Mechanical Protection Tubing (NMPT) (Bi-National standard, with UL 1696).
standard by CSA Group, 01/01/2005
Safe use and best practices for mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs) / Training for mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs)
standard by CSA Group, 05/01/2017
Aboveground reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC) and fittings (Binational standard with UL 2515)
standard by CSA Group, 02/01/2019
Plumbing Fixtures (Consists of B45.0-99, B45.1-99, B45.2-99, B45.3-99, B45.4-99, B45.5-99, B45.6-99, B45.7-99, B45.8-99 and B45.9-99)
standard by CSA Group, 04/02/2000
PVC Underground Telecommunication Cable Ducting and Fittings
standard by CSA Group, 01/19/2000