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CSA B55.1-15

Test method for measuring efficiency and pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units
standard by CSA Group, 05/01/2015

CSA N290.0-17/N290.2-17 Package

Consists of N290.0-17, General requirements for safety systems of nuclear power plants and N290.2-17, Requirements for emergency core cooling systems of nuclear power plants
standard by CSA Group, 08/01/2017

CSA R7004-17

Sustainability standard for household cooking appliances (Binational standard with AHAM 7004-2017 and UL 7004)
standard by CSA Group, 01/01/2017

CSA N292.5-11 (R2016)

Guideline for the exemption or clearance from regulatory control of materials that contain, or potentially contain, nuclear substances
standard by CSA Group, 07/01/2011

CSA N285.7-15

Periodic inspection of CANDU nuclear power plant balance of plant systems and components
standard by CSA Group, 11/01/2015

CSA C22.2 NO. 80601-2-30:19

Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers (Adopted IEC 80601-2-30:2018, second edition, 2018-03)
standard by CSA Group, 09/01/2019