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HI 9.6.3-2017

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal and Vertical) Pumps – Guideline for Allowable Operating Region
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2017

HI 9.6.7-2010

Effects of Liquid Viscosity on Rotodynamic (Centrifugal and Vertical) Pump Performance
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2010

HI 2.1-2.2-2014

American National Standard for Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps of Radial, Mixed, and Axial Flow Types for Nomenclature and Definitions
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 04/08/2014

HI 7.1-7.5-2013

American National Standard for Controlled Volume Metering Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2013

HI 9.6.3-2012

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal and Vertical) Pumps – Guideline for Allowable Operating Region (ANSI/HI 9.6.3 – 2012)
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2012

HI 9.1-9.5-2015

Pumps – General Guidelines for Types, Applications, Definitions, Sound Measurements, and Documentation
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 05/11/2015