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IEC 62841-2-21 Ed. 1.0 b:2017

Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery – Safety – Part 2-21: Particular requirements for hand-held drain cleaners
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 05/23/2017

IEC 62784 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 b:2019

Amendment 1 – Vacuum cleaners and dust extractors providing equipment protection level Dc for the collection of combustible dusts – Particular requirements
Amendment by International Electrotechnical Commission, 01/16/2019

IEC 62453-303-2 Ed. 1.1 b:2016

Field device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 303-2: Communication profile integration – IEC 61784 CP 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP3/6 CONSOLIDATED EDITION
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 06/22/2016

IEC 62424 Ed. 1.0 en:2008

Representation of process control engineering – Requests in P&I diagrams and data exchange between P&ID tools and PCE-CAE tools
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 08/12/2008

IEC 63029 Ed. 1.0 en:2017

Audio, video multimedia systems and equipment – Multimedia e-publishing and e-book technologies – Raster-graphics image-based e-books
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 07/12/2017

IEC 62779-2 Ed. 1.0 b:2016

Semiconductor devices – Semiconductor interface for human body communication – Part 2: Characterization of interfacing performances
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 02/18/2016

IEC 62423 Ed. 1.0 b:2007

Type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (Type B RCCBs and Type B RCBOs)
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 05/15/2007