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IEC 62489-2 Ed. 2.0 b:2014

Electroacoustics – Audio-frequency induction loop systems for assisted hearing – Part 2: Methods of calculating and measuring the low-frequency magnetic field emissions from the loop for assessing conformity with guidelines on limits for human exposure
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 09/24/2014

IEC 62808 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0 en:2018

Amendment 1 – Nuclear power plants – Instrumentation and control systems important to safety – Design and qualification of isolation devices
Amendment by International Electrotechnical Commission, 05/17/2018

IEC 62447-1 Ed. 1.0 en:2007

Helical-scan compressed digital video cassette system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape – Format D-12 – Part 1: VTR specifications
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 06/05/2007

IEC 62560 Ed. 1.0 b:2011

Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V – Safety specifications
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 02/10/2011

IEC 62656-5 Ed. 1.0 b:2017

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets – Part 5: Interface for activity description
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 06/19/2017

IEC 62969-1 Ed. 1.0 b:2017

Semiconductor devices – Semiconductor interface for automotive vehicles – Part 1: General requirements of power interface for automotive vehicle sensors
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 12/13/2017