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IEEE 1260-2018

IEEE Guide on the Prediction,Measurement, and Analysis of AM Broadcast Reradiation by Power Lines
standard by IEEE, 01/30/2019

IEEE 1450.4-2017

IEEE Standard for Extensions to Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) (IEEE Std 1450-1999) for Test Flow Specification
standard by IEEE, 01/31/2018

IEEE 1513-2001

IEEE Recommended Practice for Qualification of Concentrator Photovoltaic (PV) Receiver Sections and Modules
standard by IEEE, 05/10/2001

IEEE 1138-2009/Cor 1-2014

IEEE Standard for Testing and Performance for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Use on Electric Utility Power Lines — Corrigendum 1: Stress-Strain Temperature Correction, Aeolian Vibration Velocity
Corrigenda by IEEE, 09/26/2014

IEEE 1035-1989

IEEE Recommended Practice: Test Procedure for Utility-Interconnected Static Power Converters
standard by IEEE, 11/22/1989