IEEE 1309-2013
IEEE Standard for Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors and Probes (Excluding Antennas) from 9 kHz to 40 GHz
standard by IEEE, 11/22/2013
IEEE Standard for Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors and Probes (Excluding Antennas) from 9 kHz to 40 GHz
standard by IEEE, 11/22/2013
IEEE Standard for Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
standard by IEEE, 05/13/2013
IEEE Standard for Extensions to Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) (IEEE Std 1450-1999) for Test Flow Specification
standard by IEEE, 01/31/2018
IEEE Recommended Practice for Qualification of Concentrator Photovoltaic (PV) Receiver Sections and Modules
standard by IEEE, 05/10/2001
IEEE Standard for Data Dictionaries for Intelligent Transportation Systems
standard by IEEE, 11/15/1999
IEEE Standard for Design and Verification of Low-Power Integrated Circuits
standard by IEEE, 05/29/2013
IEEE Guide for the Safe Installation of Mobile Substation Equipment
standard by IEEE, 09/26/1997
IEEE Standard for Passenger Information System for Rail Transit Vehicles
standard by IEEE, 12/03/1998
IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Electronic Products
standard by IEEE, 03/05/2010
IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(R))–Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API)–Amendment 5: Advanced Realtime Extensions [C Language]
standard by IEEE, 07/31/2000