IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Impulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Cables and Their Accessories
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Impulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Cables and Their Accessories
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Statistical Process Control for EMC Test Laboratories
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
standard by IEEE, 02/25/2011
IEEE Draft Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors Having Liquid in the Magnetic Gap
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems – Amendment: Addition of Precision Time Protocol (PTP) mapping for transport over Optical Transport Network (OTN)
Amendment by IEEE, 09/14/2022
Pre-Standards Workstream Report: Clinical IoT Data Validation and Interoperability with Blockchain
standard by IEEE, 06/28/2019
IEEE Draft Standard for Using Blockchain for Carbon Trading Applications
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment 6: Media Access Control (MAC) Service Interface and Management Parameters to Support Improved Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Timestamping Accuracy
Amendment by IEEE,