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IEEE 802.3aq-2006

IEEE Standard for Information technology–Telecommunications and information exchange between systems–Local and metropolitan area networks–Specific requirements Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications
Amendment by IEEE, 10/16/2006

IEEE 802.1Qaz-2011

IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks–Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks–Amendment 18: Enhanced Transmission Selection for Bandwidth Sharing Between Traffic Classes
standard by IEEE, 09/30/2011


IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
standard by IEEE,

IEEE 802.3ad-2000

IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications-Aggregation of Multiple Link Segments
Amendment by IEEE, 06/28/2000

IEEE C57.12.24-2009

IEEE Standard for Submersible, Three-Phase Transformers, 3750 kVA and Smaller: High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 600 Volts and Below
standard by IEEE, 08/14/2009

IEEE C57.12.60-1992

IEEE Trial-Use Standard Test Procedures for Thermal Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Solid-Cast and Resin-Encapsulated Power and Distribution Transformers
standard by IEEE, 05/04/1993

IEEE 802.3-1998

Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications, Information technologyTelecommunications and information exchange between systemsLocal and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirements-
standard by IEEE, 09/28/1998

IEEE 802.20.3-2010

IEEE Standard for Minimum Performance Characteristics of IEEE 802.20 Terminals and Base Stations/Access Nodes
standard by IEEE, 04/22/2010