IEEE 802.15.4q-2016
IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks –Amendment 2: Ultra-Low Power Physical Layer
Amendment by IEEE, 04/29/2016
IEEE Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks –Amendment 2: Ultra-Low Power Physical Layer
Amendment by IEEE, 04/29/2016
IEEE Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Link Aggregation
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Standard for Pad-Mounted-Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase Distribution Transformers; High Voltage, 34 500 GrdY/19 920 V and Below, Low Voltage, 240/120 V; 167 kVA and Smaller
standard by IEEE, 11/30/2009
IEEE Guide on Terminology for Tools and Equipment to Be Used in Live Line Working
standard by IEEE, 11/30/1988
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Supplement to LAN/MAN Management: Discovery and Dynamic Control of Event Forwarding (Clause 11)
Amendment by IEEE, 07/08/1993
IEEE Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings
standard by IEEE, 02/22/2013
Supplement to Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local area networks-Media access control (MAC) bridges: Managed objects for MAC bridges
Amendment by IEEE, 06/09/1997
IEEE Guide for Installation of Oil-Immersed Transformers (10 MVA and Larger, 69-287 kV Rating)
standard by IEEE, 11/07/1980
IEEE Guide for Evaluating the Effect of Solar Radiation on Outdoor Metal-Enclosed Switchgear — Corrigendum 1
Corrigenda by IEEE, 05/01/2019
IEEE Standard for Information technology– Local and metropolitan area networks– Part 3: CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment: Media Access Control Parameters, Physical Layers, and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks
Amendment by IEEE, 09/07/2004