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IEEE C57.12.40-2000

American National Standard for Secondary Network Transformers Subway and Vault Types (Liquid Immersed)-Requirements
standard by IEEE, 12/31/2000

IEEE P11073-10442

IEEE Draft Health Informatics – Personal Health Device Communication Part 10442: Device Specialization – Strength Fitness Equipment
standard by IEEE,

IEEE C95.1-2345-2014

IEEE Standard for Military Workplaces–Force Health Protection Regarding Personnel Exposure to Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz
standard by IEEE, 05/30/2014

IEEE C62.38-1994

IEEE Guide on Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): ESD Withstand Capability Evaluation Methods (for Electronic Equipment Subassemblies)
standard by IEEE, 04/24/1995

IEEE C37.45-2007

IEEE Standard Specifications for High Voltage Distribution Class Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches with Rated Voltages from 1 through 8.3 kV
standard by IEEE, 09/20/2007