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IEEE PC37.21a

IEEE Draft Standard for Control Switchboards Amendment 1: Control and Secondary Circuits and Devices, and All Wiring
Amendment by IEEE,

IEEE N42.12-1994

American National Standard Calibration and Usage of Thallium-Activated Sodium Iodide Detector Systems for Assay of Radionuclides
standard by IEEE, 01/26/1995

IEEE C57.12.01-2005

Standard General Requirements for Dry-Type Distribution and Power Transformers Including Those with Solid Cast and/or Resin Encapsulated Windings
standard by IEEE, 05/19/2006

IEEE C62.22a-2013

IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems Amendment 1: Supplement to Consider Energy Handling Capabilities
Amendment by IEEE, 06/21/2013

IEEE P2740

IEEE Draft Guide for the Selection and Installation of Electrical Cables and Cable Systems in Hazardous (Classified) Locations on Oil & Gas Land Drilling Rigs
standard by IEEE,

IEEE C57.94-1982

IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation, Application, Operation, and Maintenance of Dry-Type General Purpose Distribution and Power Transformers
standard by IEEE, 06/07/1982