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IEEE C57.18.10a-2008

IEEE Standard for Practices and Requirements for Semiconductor Power Rectifier Transformers Amendment 1: Added Technical and Editorial Corrections
Amendment by IEEE, 05/30/2008

IEEE C62.21-2003/Cor 1-2008

IEEE Guide for the Application of Surge Voltage Protective Equipment on AC Rotating Machinery 1000 V and Greater – Corrigendum 1: Correct Table 2, A.1, and A.2
Corrigenda by IEEE, 11/26/2008

IEEE C95.3.1-2010

IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 0 Hz to 100 kHz
standard by IEEE, 05/14/2010

IEEE C62.39-2012

IEEE Standard for Test Methods and Preferred Values for Self-Restoring Current-Limiter Components Used in Telecommunication Surge Protection
standard by IEEE, 01/14/2013

IEEE C62.32-2004

IEEE Standard Test Methods for Low-Voltage Air Gap Surge-Protective Device Components (Excluding Valve and Expulsion Types)
standard by IEEE, 05/11/2005