IEEE P802.3cs
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment 2: Physical Layers and management parameters for increased-reach point-to-multipoint Ethernet optical subscriber access (Super-PON)
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment 2: Physical Layers and management parameters for increased-reach point-to-multipoint Ethernet optical subscriber access (Super-PON)
Amendment by IEEE,
Introduction to the IEEE P2520(TM) Series of Standards on Olfaction Devices and Systems
standard by IEEE, 12/17/2021
IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Software Defined Networking (SDN) based Middleware for Control and Management of Wireless Networks
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Standard for Transport of Key Management Protocol (KMP) Datagrams
standard by IEEE, 01/18/2022
IEEE Approved Draft Guide for the Measurement of Pantograph Off-Line and Evaluation of Current Collection Performance for High Speed Railway
standard by IEEE, 06/30/2022
IEEE Draft Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547(TM), IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Measuring Method of Electromagnetic Environment for the Corridor of High-voltage Overhead Power Transmission Lines in Parallel Mixed with Alternating Current and Direct Current
standard by IEEE, 06/17/2022
IEEE Draft Standard for the Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heating for Commercial Applications
standard by IEEE,