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IEEE P2066

IEEE Draft Guide for Safety Specification of Laser Transmission in High-Power Industrial Laser System
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P1901b

IEEE Draft Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 2: Enhancements for Authentication and Authorization
Amendment by IEEE,

IEEE P11073-10700

IEEE Draft Standard – Health Informatics — Device Interoperability — Part 10700: Point-of-Care Medical Device Communication — Standard for Base Requirements for Participants in a Service-Oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) System
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P11073-10429

IEEE Draft for Health Informatics — Device Interoperability — Part 10429: Personal Health Device Communication — Device Specialization – Spirometry
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P1407

IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for 5 kV to 46 kV Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks
standard by IEEE, 02/07/2022

IEEE P2771

IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Parameter Configuration of Arcing Horns of DC Earth Electrode Lines
standard by IEEE, 02/07/2022

IEEE P2405

IEEE Draft Standard for the Design of Chargers Used in Stationary Battery Applications
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P802.15.4aa

IEEE Draft Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks Amendment: Higher data rate extension to IEEE 802.15.4 Smart Utility Network (SUN) Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Physical layer (PHY)
Amendment by IEEE,


IEEE Draft Standard Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers, Acronyms, and Contact Designations
standard by IEEE,