IEEE P2861
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Mobile Gaming Performance Evaluation and Optimization
standard by IEEE, 12/01/2021
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Mobile Gaming Performance Evaluation and Optimization
standard by IEEE, 12/01/2021
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for DC Power Transmission and Communication to DC Loads
standard by IEEE, 02/03/2022
IEEE Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks–Bridges and Bridged Networks
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for the Classification of Adaptive Instructional Systems
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Conformance Test Procedure for Instrument Transformers
standard by IEEE,
IEEE SA 3D Body Processing Industry Connections–Summary and Recommended Actions for Communications, Security, Privacy, and Trust (CSPT) [IEEE P3141]
standard by IEEE, 09/24/2021
IEEE Draft Recommended practice for developing energy efficient power-proportional digital architectures
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Mobile Radiation Monitors for Homeland Security
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation (SIIF)
standard by IEEE,
IEEE/ASHRAE Draft Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications
standard by IEEE,