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IEEE P1453

IEEE Draft Standard for Measurement and Limits of Voltage Fluctuations and Associated Light Flicker on AC Power Systems
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P400.5

IEEE Draft Guide for Field Testing of Shielded DC Power Cable Systems Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
standard by IEEE,

IEEE P1308

IEEE Draft Recommended Practice for Instrumentation: Specifications for Magnetic Flux Density and Electric Field Strength Meters – 10 Hz to 3 kHz
standard by IEEE,

IEEE White Paper

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report–Extended Reality (XR) and the Erosion of Anonymity and Privacy
standard by IEEE, 11/18/2021

IEEE P2869

IEEE Approved Draft Guide for the Synchronous Monitoring of Direct Current (DC) Bias Magnetic Current Distribution in Power Grid
standard by IEEE, 12/22/2021

IEEE PC57.18.10

IEEE Approved Draft Standard Practices and Requirements for Semiconductor Power Rectifier Transformers
standard by IEEE, 02/07/2022

IEEE P3802

IEEE Draft Standard for Application Technical Specification of Blockchain-based E-Commerce Transaction Evidence Collecting
standard by IEEE,