IEEE P1619.2
IEEE Draft Standard for Wide-Block Encryption for Shared Storage Media
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Wide-Block Encryption for Shared Storage Media
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Testing and Performance for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) for Use on Electric Utility Power Lines
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)–Networking
standard by IEEE, 03/09/2021
IEEE Draft Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Networks – Amendment for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-256 Encryption and Security Extensions
Amendment by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Guide for Protection System Redundancy for Power System Reliability
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Wireless Smart Utility Network Field Area Network (FAN)
standard by IEEE,
IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment 14: Bidirectional 10 Gb/s, 25 Gb/s, and 50 Gb/s Optical Access PHYs
Amendment by IEEE,