IEEE 15026-4-2013
IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-4–Systems and Software Engineering–Systems and Software Assurance–Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle
standard by IEEE, 08/30/2013
IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-4–Systems and Software Engineering–Systems and Software Assurance–Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle
standard by IEEE, 08/30/2013
IEEE Guide for Safety in the Installation of Mobile Substation Equipment
standard by IEEE, 11/04/2005
IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices
standard by IEEE, 05/16/2008
IEEE Standard for Electrical Characteristics of Backplane Transceiver Logic (BTL) Interface Circuits
standard by IEEE, 08/12/1991
IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators
standard by IEEE, 06/17/2011
IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Waveguide Components
standard by IEEE, 05/31/1979
Health informatics–Point-of-care medical device communication – Part 20701: Service-Oriented Medical Device Exchange Architecture and Protocol Binding
standard by IEEE, 01/15/2019
IEEE Health informatics — Personal health device communication Part 10417: Device Specialization — Glucose Meter
standard by IEEE, 07/03/2015