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ISA TR84.00.02-2002 – Part 4

Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) – Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Evaluation Techniques Part 4: Determining the SIL of a SIF via Markov Analysis
standard by The International Society of Automation, 06/17/2002

ISA RP31.1-1977

Specification, Installation, & Calibration of Turbine Flowmeters
standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/1977

ISA 77.41.01-2010

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Boiler Combustion Controls : ISA Standard S77.41
standard by The International Society of Automation, 11/01/2010

ISA 12.22.01-2005

Electrical Apparatus for Use in Class I, Zone 1 Hazardous (Classified) Locations: Type of Protection – Flameproof 'd'
standard by The International Society of Automation, 08/15/2008

ISA RP60.6-1984

Nameplates, Labels & Tags for Control Centers : ISA Standard RP60.6
standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/1984

ISA 67.02.01-1999

Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Sensing Line Piping and Tubing Standards for Use in Nuclear Power Plants
standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/1999

ISA 95.00.05-2007

Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 5: Business-to-Manufacturing Transactions
standard by The International Society of Automation, 01/10/2007

ISA 95.00.03-2013

Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations Management (IEC 62264-3 Modified)
standard by The International Society of Automation, 07/08/2013