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JIS L 0842:2021

Test methods for colour fastness to enclosed carbon arc lamp light
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2021

JIS Z 2613:2020

General rules for determination of oxygen in metallic materials
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2020

JIS G 1201:2022

Iron and steel — General rules for analytical methods
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2022

JIS A 1519:2020

Windows and doorsets — Determination of opening and closing forces
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2020

JIS B 1867:2021

Belt drives — V-belts — Fatigue test
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2021

JIS C 0950:2021

The marking for presence of the specific chemical substances for electrical and electronic equipment
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2021

JIS K 0115:2020

General rules for molecular absorptiometric analysis
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2020

JIS A 1522:1996

Windows and doorsets — Mechanical deformation test of edge rail
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1996