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JIS B 1129:2004

Tapping screw washer assemblies with plain washers (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2004

JIS B 0121:2012

International gear notation — Symbols for geometrical data (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2012

JIS B 0601:2013

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2013

JIS B 1003:2014

Fasteners — Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2014

JIS A 5523:2012

Weldable hot rolled steel sheet piles (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2012

JIS A 1902-4:2006

Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes for building products — Sampling, preparation of test specimens and testing condition — Part 4: Heat-Insulating material boards
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2006

JIS B 1519:1989

Static load ratings for rolling bearings
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1989

JIS B 1551:2009

Rolling bearings — Plummer block housings (Foreign Standard)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/2009

JIS B 1042:1998

Fasteners — Surface discontinuities — Part 2: Nuts (FOREIGN STANDARD)
standard by Japanese Industrial Standard / Japanese Standards Association, 01/01/1998