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NAS 452

Rivnut – 100 Csk. Head
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 05/15/1951

NAS 6911

Pin, Swage Locking, Ph13-8Mo Cres, 100 Head, Shear, Stump – Type
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 06/25/1991

NAS 333 THRU 340

Screw, Shear, 100 Standard Flush Head, Close Tolerance, 95 Ksi Fsu
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 02/28/2000

NAS 1747

Splice, Conductor and Shield Termination, Solder Style, Heat Shrinkable, Insulated, Specification for
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 04/18/1990

NAS 3413

Tube, Mailing
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 11/30/1983

NAS 279

Specification for Tubing Fabricated from Thermoplastic Materials
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 10/01/1947

NAS 3420 Rev. 3

Containers, Water- Vaporproof, W/ Desiccant
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 09/28/2012

NAS 1772

Nut, Self-Locking, Plate, Corner, Low Height, Cbored, 160 Ksi, 450F, 800F
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 08/30/1982

NAS 3427 Rev. 2

Multiple Lead Devices, Individual Packaging of
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 01/31/2013