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NEMA RV 3-2014

Application and Installation Guidelines for Flexible and Liquidtight Flexible Metal and Nonmetallic Conduits
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2014

NEMA LSD 8-2014

Power Quality Implications of Self-ballasted Lamps in Residences
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2014

NEMA BU 1.1-2005 (Spanish)

Instrucciones Generales Para el Manejo, Instalacion, Operacion y Mantenimiento de Electroductos Hasta 600 V Nominales o Menos
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association,

NEMA MGRD 1-2016

White Paper on Powering Microgrids for the 21st-Century Electrical System
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 08/19/2016

NEMA ICS 61800-2-2005

Adjustable-Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems, Part 2: General Requirements – Rating Specifications for Low-Voltage Adjustable Frequency AC Power Drive Systems
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 03/01/2005

NEMA LE 6-2008

Procedure for Determining Target Efficacy Ratings (TER) for Commercial, Industrial and Residential Luminaires
standard by National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 09/03/2008