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SMPTE 315M-2004

Television – Camera Positioning Information Conveyed by Ancillary Data Packets (Archived 2011)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2004

SMPTE RP 2007-2007

Closed-Caption CDP and "Grand Alliance" Serial Interfaces for DTV
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/27/2007

SMPTE EG 32-1996

Emphasis of AES/EBU Audio in Television Systems and Preferred Audio Sampling Rate
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/1996

SMPTE 436M-2006

Television – MXF Mappings for VBI Lines and Ancillary Data Packets
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 09/18/2006

SMPTE 380M-2004

Television – Material Exchange Format (MXF) – Descriptive Metadata Scheme-1 (Standard, Dynamic)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2004

SMPTE RP 428-5-2010

D-Cinema Distribution Master – Mapping of Images into Constrained Tag Image File
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 06/24/2010

SMPTE 435-2-2009

10 Gb/s Serial Signal/Data Interface – Part 2: 10.692 Gb/s Stream – Basic Stream Data Mapping (Revision of SMPTE 435-2-2007)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 03/04/2008

SMPTE 424M-2006

Television – 3 Gb/s Signal/Data Serial Interface
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 04/05/2006