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SMPTE 357M-2002

Television – Declarative Data Essence – Internet Protocol Multicast Encapsulation
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2002

SMPTE RDD 9-2009

MXF Interoperability Specification of Sony MPEG Long GOP Products
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 06/22/2009

SMPTE 379-1-2009

Television – Material Exchange Format (MXF) – MXF Generic Container
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/21/2009

SMPTE 74-1993

Motion-Picture Cameras (16- and 8-mm) – Zero Point for Focusing Scales (R2003)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/1993

SMPTE 365M-2001

Digital Television Tape Recording – 12.65-mm Type D-10 Format for MPEG-2 Compressed Video – 525/60 and 625/50
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2001

SMPTE ST 2001-2:2014

XML Representation of SMPTE Registered Data (Reg-XML) – Mapping Rules, AAF and MXF Data
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/14/2014

SMPTE RDD 3-2008

e-VTR MXF Interoperability Specification (Revision of RDD 3-2005)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/11/2008

SMPTE RP 127-2004

Specifications for Type U Audio Level and Multifrequency Test Film for 35-mm Studio Audio Reproducers, Magnetic Full-Coat Type
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2004