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SMPTE RP 2079:2017

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Name and Entertainment ID Registry (EIDR) Identifier Representations
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/03/2017

SMPTE RP 188-1999

Transmission of Time Code and Control Code in the Ancillary Data Space of a Digital Television Data Stream
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/1999

SMPTE EG 2021-3:2009

Broadcast Exchange Format (BXF) – Use Cases (Content previously included in SMPTE 2021M-2008)
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 12/01/2009

SMPTE RDD 38:2016

Networked Device Control Protocol – Message Data Structure and Method of Communication
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 06/30/2016

SMPTE RDD 37:2016

Uncompressed Video Transport Over MPEG-2 Transport System
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 02/26/2016

SMPTE RP 25-1995

Audio and Picture Synchronization on Motion-Picture Film Relative to the Universal Leader for Magnetic and Photographic Records
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/1995

SMPTE 370M-2002

Television – Data Structure for DV-Based Audio, Data and Compressed Video at 100 Mb/s 1080/60i, 1080/50i, 720/60p
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2002

SMPTE EG 40:2016

Conversion of Time Values between SMPTE ST 12-1 Time Code, MPEG-2 PCR Time Base and Absolute Time
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/29/2016

SMPTE 379-2-2010

Television – Material Exchange Format (MXF) – MXF Constrained Generic Container
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 02/23/2010