Noble Metals and Modifiers in Catalysts by ICP-AES
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1986
Analysis of Distillate Fuels Derived from Oxygenated (Bio) Feedstocks by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/2009
Arsine in Ethylene by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1982
Density of Powders and Solids by Helium Displacement
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 08/19/2008
Volatile Nitrogen Bases, Including Ammonia, in Solids and Aqueous Solutions
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1979
Aromatics in Molex n-Paraffin Products by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/2000
Organic Analysis of Distillate by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 07/11/2011
Nickel, Tungsten, Sodium and Aluminum in Hydrocracking Catalysts by ICP-AES
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/2000
Trace Hydrocarbons in Udex Solvent by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 09/02/2011