ASCE 48-11
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Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures specifi es requirementsfor the design, fabrication, testing, assembly, and erectionof cold-formed tubular members and connections for steelelectrical transmission pole structures. Structure components(members, connections, guys) are selected to resist factoreddesign loads at stresses approaching yielding, buckling, fracture,or any other limiting condition specifi ed in this standard. Distribution,substation, communication, and railroad electrictraction structures are not included within the scope of thisstandard.
Before the initial publication of this standard in 2005, mostelectric transmission design professionals used ASCE’s EngineeringManual and Report on Engineering Practice No. 72 titled Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures as their primaryreference for providing a uniform basis for designing, fabricating,testing, assembling, and erecting steel transmission polestructures. The second edition of Manual 72 served as theprimary resource document for the development of the originalversion of this standard, ASCE 48-05. This document is the fi rstrevision to this standard and is intended to replace ASCE 48-05in its entirety.
Units of measurement herein are expressed fi rst in Englishunits followed by the Systems International (SI) units in parentheses.Formulae are based on English units, and, thus, someformulae require a conversion factor to use SI units. The appropriateconversion factor is given after each formula.
Product Details
- Edition:
- 1
- Published:
- 2012
- ISBN(s):
- 9780784411810, 9780784476406
- Number of Pages:
- 102
- File Size:
- 1 file , 1.9 MB